Sunday, July 13, 2008

Summer Vibes

Right now, I am sitting in my grandparents' "cabin" on the shores of Lake Nacimiento in the central coastal region of California.  =]  Internet is a bit of a hit-or-miss thing, so I may not post again until after I get home (on the 18th).

I am working on the 16th square of the Patchwork Trio Afghan.  I'm so proud of myself =D.  I will definitely be able to finish knitting before I get home.  My aunt told me that she will help me sew the squares together on the 19th.  I'm sure I'll be glad for the help, but I also don't think that it will be that bad.

I need to finish the glove I'm working on before we head home as well.  I plan to start the second one on the ride home (about 3.5 to 4 hours) at the very latest.  I need to finish all the knitting parts for the gloves BEFORE my Knit Picks order arrives (I'll be ordering either the 18th or 19th).

That way, I can start the two shawls as soon as I get the yarn.  And I will have the rest of July to work just on them.  Well, not on those two exclusively, since I haven't finished the Felted Rose Tote yet (and technically it is minus the Rose part).

And now, for the interesting stuff: my vacation!!!

I wakeboarded... kind of.  I'm really not that good.  I got up a little bit.  But I'm sore now--OH!!!

Before I continue about the lake and the woods and the burrs and all that good stuff, I must tell you a little story.

Once upon a time, or rather, last week, our heroine and her friends went ice skating.  Her friends included her blood sister, her ex-boyfriend, her sister's ex-boyfriend, her sister's cousin, her close friend, her other friend, and the girls' platonic boyfriend.  Our heroine is not a good ice skater.  She is down right bad at it.  She only came because her sister begged, pleaded, and wheedled her into it.  Amazingly, she avoided falling (at the expense of being called chicken by her close friend, Alex[andra]).  Towards the end, Alex took a spill that resulted in a bruised tail bone.  Our heroine sympathized with her, but didn't really want to empathize with her.  The Fates, however, determined that she avoided too much pain on the ice rink, and wished for her to share the agony that her dear friend, Alex, was in.  As our lovely heroine climbed into the van, she slid across the seat and plopped down.  But, she plopped at the wrong spot.  Her tail bone landed right on the seat buckle.  (Aren't those things supposed to stop you from getting hurt?!)  And the purpose of this story is....

I have a possibly broken tail bone!!! 

For those who have experienced this, it is not a pleasant thing.  So, falling on the wakeboard?  Not fun.

Back to my summery vibes:
I took a hike in the woods right by the cabin and got some really cool photos (I haven't uploaded them yet, or I would put them in this post).  However, TONS of burrs stuck to me.  Not fun getting those off of me.

Summer, to me, always feels like new beginning.  And I've been having a 'bit' of a tough year, previously.  Maybe, I'll be able to sort out how I feel, and then do something about it.  I know, no one knows what I'm talking about, but perhaps that's a good thing.

Well, my knitting calls to me (so does the pasta....).  See ya!

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