Saturday, April 26, 2008

Damn, it's hot.

Bizarrely, it's really hot today.  According to our thermometer (trust it at your own risk) it got to 98 degrees Fahrenheit here.  It's APRIL, not July.  School shouldn't be in session if it's this hot.  This is summer weather.

Well, I've been downloading CDs to my uncle's iPod all day long.  Forty-eight CDs and something like seven hours.  >.<  Almost done.  Two CDs to go.

As a bribe, my aunt brought me an I-cord maker.  I've been having fun haha.  I've been thinking of what I'll make with the I-cord, and I thought of a pretty purse knit in seed stitch.  I just hope that there will be enough I-cord.  But I will be knitting it on size 19 needles =D.

Sierra, my bestest friend, has been designing knit tank tops in her head all day.  I've been listening to Cheryl Kemp's knitting podcast, and I suggested to Sierra that we make one.  I received an enthusiastic yes from her =].

I got a few more inches on my scarf done.  I worked on the Fountain Hat a bit last night, but haven't touched it today.  April's final glove hasn't moved since the stitches were cast on.

I need new yarn, but I won't have any money until May comes.  There are a lot of projects I want to do, but don't currently have the yarn for them.  Well, I'll figure something out.

Got to go (less than one CD left!!).

P.S. My dad is going to take me to Starbucks later.  Cool!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Just bought At Knit's End by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee.  I've been giggling all day, non-stop.  My knitting friend laughed with me.  My non-knitting friends laughed a bit, but their reaction would have been unsatisfactory if they were knitters.

Still only have one glove for April.  I tell myself, why don't you cast on?  Let's finish this up.  Looks like she has to wait one more week before it's done.  Maybe.  But, I said pictures, and I meant it, so here is a picture of the first glove:   They're a bit big on me, which is fine, 'cause they're not for me!

I'm working on K's hat.  Wayy excited.  She won't have to worship the ground I walk on, but she better love me until the end of time.  Of course, I won't tell her that knitting this hat didn't count as work because I absolutely love yarn overs.  And this pattern has plenty =D.

Well, back to giggles and stitches.  Latah!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


That's what I've been doing all day long.  I did not get enough sleep last night.  And I had a math test today.  Fuuuun, right?  Wrong.  It killed my brain >.<

I came home and had some wonderful therapy with some needles and a ball of yarn I know.  The lace pattern on the Fountain Hat looks really cool so far *is on round 9 of 61*.  Maybe pictures next time?

I keep telling myself I need to start April's second glove.  And I keep ignoring myself.  Oops.

*yawns again*

Saturday, April 19, 2008


I frogged my sweater today.  The tension was all off towards the bottom, and I felt like I could make it better if I started over.  I'll probably start it again today.  Maybe.

I hope I can buy the needles I need for the Fountain Hat today.  Maybe I'll be able to buy different needles for my sweater, too.  I'd like that.

I started up my scarf today.  It's no longer hibernating for the winter (and the irony does not escape me).  Maybe I'll finish it by the time summer rolls around!  It will be really useful then (note the sarcasm).

As for April's gloves, they're turning out pretty cool.  I have 7 rounds left until I bind off.  And you can really see the pattern.  I'll update the pics on ravelry once I finish the first glove.

Ooo, pizza for lunch.  Later!


Thursday, April 17, 2008


As in the pressure in my head.  It's either allergies, which royally sucks, or I'm getting sick, which is even worse.  'Cause if I'm sick, I can pass it on to my friends and family.  Which means I have to be extra careful.  Yuck.

And, I feel so distracted, I've gotten almost no knitting done today.  I have read a lot though.  I finished The Shop on Blossom Street and I've started A Good Yarn (both by Debbie Macomber).

I think I may start working on my scarf tonight.  After I finish the round I'm working on on April's first glove.  I had wanted to at least start the second one tonight, but that's not going to happen.  I should go to bed in less than half an hour, and I haven't started my homework yet.  Oh well, that's what mornings are for.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Okay, hypothetical someone, my previous posts are about to be explained *audience gasps*.

I am knitting my friend April a pair of fingerless gloves as a belated birthday present (she was born on April 1st).  These gloves are the first things I've knitting on dpn's, so they're a bit more difficult.

I'm also making myself a sweater.  My first sweater.  So I really would like to not mess up =D.  It's knit with green chenille yarn ^.^  I can't wait until I'm done, but I've yet to finish the front (it's a basic pullover).

As for S and K, they're my best friends and blood sisters.  However, they are each battling depression, and K has a really bad influence in her life right now - S's (woah, that looks weird) ex-boyfriend.  So, my friends are kinda messed up right now, and it's hard to deal with them sometimes.  This is why I bring my knitting to school.  A lot less stressful.

Well, I've got to go now, school.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Today was okay.  I got to work on April's gloves at lunch and during math class.  But, I need to compare them to her hands now to see if they need to be longer, so I can't work on them right now.

I worked on my sweater today.  I wanted to get the front done, but it just didn't happen.  Oh well.  Depending on tomorrow's homework, I might be able to get that done tomorrow.

This blog feels weird because it feels like I'm typing to no one, yet I'm writing it as if someone will read it.  But unless this hypothetical someone knows me in person, they won't understand most of it!  XD

Hoping to go to a LYS this weekend.  I need needles for the Fountain Hat.  I also need to get my brain organized -- like that's gonna happen soon.

Knitting is my anti-depressant.  School kinda sucks.  It's great to see my friends, but the school environment is just so stressful.  Not all of it is bad stress - being with my friends is good stress.  But I'd rather be stress-free (as much as possible), so I'd rather be sitting at home and knitting.  I love my friends and I love being with them, but sometimes it's nice to just have some space and do whatever I want to do with outside contact.

Summer needs to be here.  Now.

Night all.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Well, I went to Jo-Ann's today to get the size 4 needles I need for my next project.  The local Jo-Ann's being vastly under-stocked, they weren't there.  

So, I bought a set of dpn (size 8) for a different project that will be a birthday gift.  They are a lot harder to work with than I anticipated.  But I'm going to keep on trying until I get it right.

I also bought some new yarn.  It was pretty and soft.

I am planning my summer knitting retreat.  I want to make the Coachella halter top that can be found here:  
And I want to make in green. Very cool. It's been pretty hot here. So I can't wait, but I have a few projects to finish (and start) before summer comes along.


Saturday, April 12, 2008


Whew.  I just finished putting my stash up on Ravelry.  That took forever, and I did forget to take a picture of one of my yarns.  Oh well.  I'm too tired to fix it tonight.

I didn't get a chance to go to Jo-Ann today.  Grr.  I want my needles.  I can't wait for the end of the year, then I'll have my license, and won't have to wait for Mom to drive me places.

K is bugging me.  A lot.  She told her counselor that her parents abuse her - which isn't really true, in my opinion.  Her parents discipline her.  Now her mom is freaking out, because K and her little sister may be removed the home.

S is getting on my nerves a bit too.  I think I need a knitting retreat, haha.  I'll make one for myself once I get some really cool yarn ^.^
